9 tracks, 55 minutes, digital album
Maximal Music
The five movements of For You Have Delivered My Soul form together the most personal music so far. It's more or less about the circle of live and death, about being a child, growing up, being father, getting older. The last 4 tracks concern music for the documentary Moving the Barn.
For You Have Delivered my Soul
1 Prologue
2 Five to Seven AM
3 The Exlusion Principle I
4 For You Have Delivered my Soul
5 I can do this
The Barn
6 The Barn Mvm I
7 The Barn Mvm II
8 The Barn Mvm III
9 The Barn Mvm IV
Jeffrey Bruinsma, Jasper le Clercq, , Oene van Geel, Geneviève Verhage,
Douwe Eisenga, Petra Flipse, Marieke Langkamp
The ponderous opening part of The Barn pairs elegant piano patterns with plaintive string expressions, resulting in a melancholy and slightly mysterious whole. More rhythmically insistent is the third, where syncopated mallet and string patterns dance breezily, whereas the fourth concludes the release with Romantic string gestures and animated pulsing rhythms executed using both drums and percussion.