The new documentary from Fifi Visser, Tijdgravers (Timediggers) is a poetic ode to the hard work by the curators of the Royal Society of Sciences. They may be somewhat eccentric.
They know everything about things that many people are completely unaware of. In closed rooms and cellars, they watch over long dead matter. From the outside they may seem otherworldly, but if
you look through their eyes, a world will open up. A world that shows where we come from as humans. Bit by bit, they peel off history and reveal who we are on the basis of the
This winter I wrote the music for Timediggers, scored for strings, guitar, piano & percussion. Below you'll find an excerpt and some more music in the trailer. This little snippet I
rewrote for the film - it was a bit to much over the top - but I like the sentimentality of the original draft...
From June 1 Cinema Middelburg will screen the film six times. Go here for
On June 14 the film will be broadcasted by Omroep Zeeland
Write a comment
Miriam van Praag (Sunday, 30 August 2020 12:05)
Beste Douwe,
Leuk om te weten dat jij gezond bent en lekker doorwerkt .
Heel fijn dat je goed voortbouwt , maar ik krijg de mail nu en is de uitzending op omroep zeeland dan volgend jaar of is de mail te laat ??
Hartegroet van Miriam van Praag
Ps ik was gister nog in de buurt bij de beeldentuin in Ouddorp leuke locatie ve concert buiten ����♀️��
Douwe (Sunday, 30 August 2020 13:16)
Ha Miriam,
Klopt, over deze blogpost is nooit een nieuwsbrief verstuurd, dus nu is de uitzenddatum achterhaald, excuus!